Validation of non formal and informal learning process in started in 2012 and updated in 2015 and 2018.
All Lithuanian VET schools should provide VNFIL procedures. VNFIL also available in HE
From 2018 Lithuania employment services for unemployed people can provide financial support to validated their competences.
A person who is not admitted to the formal VET program but wants to upgrade his or her existing qualification or wants to have his or her competences acquired through non-formal or informal learning as part of his or her qualification to be validated shall apply to the VET provider of his or her choice that has the license for the implementation of the desired formal vocational training program.
The applicant has to provide to a VET provider of his/her choice in person or by post:
- application (in free form) for the assessment and crediting of acquired competences;
- an identity document (identity card, passport, driver’s license) or their copies certified in accordance with the procedure established by legal acts;
- if not a citizen of the Republic of Lithuania – a residence permit to live in Lithuania;
- documents certifying learning achievements and / or work experience or their copies certified in accordance with the procedure established by legal acts;
- recommendations (if any);
- documents (if any) certifying the professional and other activities related to the competencies to be assessed;
- consent (in free form) for the use of his/her personal data (name, surname, personal identification code) in the Conclusion of non-formal and informal learning recognition.
Competences acquired through non-formal or informal learning are assessed by VET teachers appointed by the order of VET institution manager.
Competences acquired through non-formal or informal learning shall be credited after the assessment of the adequacy of learning outcomes identified in the person’s documentation to those contained in the relevant formal VET program and in accordance with the assessment requirements set out in the relevant formal VET program.
Upon a positive assessment of a person’s non-formal and informal learning competences, the VET provider shall validate the person’s non-formal and informal learning competences and issue a Conclusion of non-formal and informal learning recognition in the provided form.
Upon a negative evaluation of a person’s competences acquired through non-formal and informal learning, the VET provider shall not validate the competences of the qualification part (module) and shall include recommendation to upgrade the existing skills in the Conclusion of non-formal and informal learning recognition.
VNFIL in Higher Education
HE institutions are responsible for validation of learning outcomes corresponding to qualifications at the EQF levels VI – VIII. Validation at the HE level is decentralised and HE institutions have internal procedures for recognising candidate’s non-formal and informal learning, which are developed in line with recommendations issued by the Ministry of Education and Science (2010). Validation at the HE level proceeds in four stages: information, consultation, assessment and decision.
Assessment is carried out according to an appropriate formal higher education programme and if the evaluation is positive the applicant is awarded a transcript of records issued by the higher education institution. If the applicant wishes to pursue a higher education qualification, the non-formal and informal learning can be recognised as a part of a relevant study programme, and the person is awarded a diploma after successful completion of the study programme. Up to 75% (in terms of ECTS credits) of the total study programme can be covered through recognition of prior learning.
Institutions use different methods for the validation process. Most popular is the portfolio method, but HE institutions also use other methods, such as interviews, demonstrations, examinations.
• VNFIL system in Portugal is called – National System for the Recognition, Validation and Certification of Competences (RVCC)
• It is an integrated strategy to foster the training and qualification of Adults
• Created in 2000
• Applicable to non-higher education in Portugal
• Represents an important part of the measures in place to tackle the critical deficit of qualifications of the Portuguese adult population
• Is in line with the Council Recommendation on VNFIL
• VNFIL also possible in HE and it leads to credit awarding. Portuguese legislation enables the access of adults aged 23 or over who do not hold an upper-secondary diploma (standard admission requirement) to HE through the assessment of prior learning. HEI have autonomy to develop their own procedures to validate VNFIL (called accreditation process); validation cannot allow to obtain more than 1/3 of the total n. of ECTS of a degree
• Since 2000, the name of the structures providing VNFIL for non-higher education in Portugal changed (RVCC Centres, New Opportunities Centres, CQEP Centres)
• Nowadays, and since 2017, VNFIL is developed by a network of (303) validation centres (national wide) called QUALIFICA Centres
• The mission of the system is to provide information, guidance and referral to Adults (18 or plus) and exceptionally NEET to:
• RVCC processes (school and/or professional) = VNFIL and
• Education and training pathways
• Target groups:
• Less qualified adults, unemployed people and NEET
• Adults (aged 18 or plus) who do not hold either primary or lower-secondary education (4th, 6th, 9th grades), upper-secondary education (12th grade) or a professional certification
• Exceptionally to NEET
Also to Adults up to 23 years old – must have at least three years of professional certified experience to be eligible
The standards used in RVCC are equivalent to the training standards used in formal education
• Certificates and diplomas obtained through RVCC have the same legal value as any other way of obtaining a qualification
• There is no limitation of the duration of validity of a qualification obtained through RVCC
• Applicable to NQF levels 1 to 4
• VNFIL process is based on:
• School RVCC standards (two key-competences standards):
• Basic education level
• Secondary education level
• Professional RVCC standards
• Standards are available at
• Stakeholders are involved in the RVCC system from the design phase of the standards (16 Sector Councils for Qualifications) up to the certification of the candidates (employers and trade unions participate in the juries of certification of professional RVCC) covering central and regional governance levels
• Evaluation, monitoring and quality assurance mechanisms in place
• ANQEP, I.P. (National Agency for Qualification and Vocational Education and Training) is responsible for the monitoring, assessment and regulation of the RVCC system
• The system follow a methodology organized in 3 main axes: recognition, validation and certification. For each axe or phase, there are different methods, professionals and tools involved, that also vary if it is a school or/and professional RVCC process
For the purpose of this project, we choose the PROFESSIONAL (and not the school) recognition, validation and certification (RVCC) PROCESS and although different and varied tools exist and are used for the recognition phase (ex: Diagnosis Document; Education and Training Pathway Document, Portfolio) and for the validation phase (Portfolio Analysis Document; Technical Interview; Job Performance Observation Grid; Practical Exercise Assessment Grid), the following tools in use in the Portuguese VNFIL system will be described in-depth:
- Portfolio
- Technical Interview
- Job Performance Observation Grid
Until 2012, every attempt at creating a national legal framework on validation failed due to the rigidity of the existing rules (legal value of national qualifications) and the complexity of the institutional governance of the education system (national level for school and university, regional level for vocational training with overlapping tasks). Despite the lack of a national framework, a several practices and experiences have been continuously developed at the local, regional and sectorial level. Regions started the definition and implementation of a certification/validation system and created specific services addressed primarily to unemployed people hampered by the economic crisis. A key tool developed has been the Libretto Formativo del cittadino: even though the format and aims of this tool can be compared with the European Skill Portfolio, it is managed through a public support service of ‘skills audit’ (at the regional level).
Legge 92/2012 (Fornero): art. 4 c. 55 In 2012
the Italian law points out the necessity to provide to actions finalized to the recognition of formative credits and the certification of the learnings acquired.
D.Lgs 13/2013 In 2013
the Decree states that the Republic:
• promotes the lifelong learning as a personal right
• guarantees the recognition, the transparency and the exploitation of such learnings however acquired to everybody
• defines the general norms and the essential levels of the performances to obtain the certification. The formal recognition is due to the Regions that are responsible of the process of certification.
The process entails the three following steps:
• Identification
• Validation
• Certification
Identification and validation is the process through which the authorized organisation recognizes and validates competences learned in non-formal or informal situation. Certification is the procedure leading to formal recognition of the validated competencies by the responsible institution. The degree of development of regional validation systems is heterogeneous and, in a nutshell, Regions can be classified into three groups:
• Seven Regions are in an exploratory phase (Abruzzo, Calabria, Campania, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Molise, Autonomous Province of Bolzano, Sicilia). In these Regions a strategy for validation is emerging (experience in projects, programmes, types and training sectors) but is not yet publically formalised and institutionalised;
• Eight Regions are in a formalisation phase (Basilicata, Lazio, Liguria, Marche, Puglia, Sardegna, Umbria, Autonomous province of Trento). In these Regions the strategy for validation has been formalised and /or have resulted in a regional system of certification (not implemented yet);
• Six Regions are in an implementation phase (Emilia Romagna, Lombardia, Piemonte, Toscana, Veneto and Valle d’Aosta). In these Regions the strategy of validation has been fully formalised and institutionalised within a regional system; the services are currently in development or offered (to all citizens or specific target groups).
Country – Greece
National Qualifications Framework (NQF) & Certification of Qualifications
National Qualifications Framework (NQF)
EOPPEP is the statutory body for the development and implementation of the Hellenic Qualifications Framework (NQF) in correspondence with the European Qualifications Framework (EQF).Additionally, EOPPEP is the National Coordination Point for EQF in Greece (NCP).
For further information on the Hellenic NQF, please visit:
Certification of Qualifications
EOPPEP develops the regulatory framework for the certification of qualifications, i.e. the learning outcomes of non-formal education and informal learning, in response to labour market needs and priorities and in liaison with the accreditation of inputs, i.e. providers, trainers, occupational profiles and curricula standards.
EOPPEP’s current fields of responsibility are the certification of the qualifications listed below and the licensing of awarding bodies, as follows:
- Development of a National System for the Certification of Qualifications
Designing and developing a national system for the certification of qualifications is EOPPEP’s principal policy priority in the field of lifelong learning (LLL), comprising the following key areas of responsibility:
- Development of a model system for the accreditation of outputs and setting the respective legal framework. Designing a system for the recognition and certification of qualifications acquired via non-formal and informal learning and establishing the framework for licensing awarding bodies.
- Inspection, monitoring and evaluation of awarding bodies.
- Implementation of certification processes by EOPPEP.
The National System for the Certification of Qualifications aims at:
- certifying those qualifications for which a state interest is attested and those which reinforce employment,
- assuring the certified qualification corresponds to the specifications set in the respective accredited occupational profile and the accreditation/certification process is in compliance with set standards and criteria
- providing equity and open access to qualifications, irrespective of the learning pathway and regardless of the way learning outcomes have been acquired.
Accreditation/Certification procedures:
- Accreditation of Vocational Training & Certification of Vocational Training Institute (IEK) Graduates
The accreditation of vocational training and the certification of the vocational training institutes (IEK) graduates embeds a national accreditation exam procedure conducted at national and regional level and based on the vocational training exam regulation framework per speciality.
EOPPEP organises at national level the accreditation examinations for IEK graduates of all specialities. Upon successful examination results, IEK graduates are awarded the Vocational Training Diploma recognised both in Greece and in EU member states (for lower secondary education graduates) or the Certificate Level I (for upper secondary education graduates).
- Certification of the teaching qualification of Trainers for Adults of non-formal education
Trainers for adults are required to possess a teaching qualification awarded upon accreditation in order to fulfill eligibility conditions for public funded non-formal education programmes, pursuant to Law 3879, article 19.3 (GOG 163/A/21.09.2010) on “Development of Lifelong Learning”.
Developing and implementing a comprehensive and innovative accreditation system for the teaching qualification of “Trainers for Adults of non-formal education”, including the unification of registers in operation, responds to new social, economic and educational needs:
- gearing the education system to learning outcomes,
- linking education content to labour market & reinforcing social partners’ role in human resources development,
- expanding trainers’ field of activity into initial & continuing vocational training as well as non-formal education, including adult education,
- updating knowledge, skills and competencies of trainers for adults.
- Certification of “Private security personnel” in cooperation with the Centre for Security Studies (KEMEA).
EOPPEP is in close cooperation with KEMEA for the certification of “private security personnel”.
In this direction, the new speciality for “Private security personnel” has been legislated (Government Official Gazette 1715/17-05-2012) and is addressed to compulsory education graduates (lower secondary education graduates) and entails a six-month vocational training programme attendance accompanied by the accreditation exam procedure for the certification award.
Additionally, the regulatory framework pertaining to the certification of professionals who do not possess a recognised occupational title has been enacted (Government Official Gazette 2160/18-07-2012).
- Accreditation of Awarding Bodies
EOPPEP currently accredits Awarding Bodies certifying computer skills upon legislated criteria and specifications. The accredited awarding bodies conduct the evaluation procedure in examination centres via an automated exam system and award the certificate for computer skills.
EOPPEP plans to develop a system for the accreditation of awarding bodies certifying knowledge & skills in additional areas of expertise.
NAME OF THE PRACTICE: Accreditation of Vocational Training & Certification of Vocational Training Institute (IEK) Graduates
France has a long tradition in terms of validation of non-formal and informal learning (in the engineering sector, for example, subjects can acquire a Diploma through the validation of skills acquired in the field, since 1934) and the national qualifications system is strongly connected with the labor market. The evolution of the theme of validation of non-formal and informal learning has followed three basic steps:
• mid-1980s – orientation and support phase for training and qualification opportunities: creation of Centers Interistitutionnels de Bilan des Competences (CIBC) finalized to accompany and support individuals in the analysis of their skills and professional opportunities.
• 1990s – adoption of the Validation des Acquis Professionnels (VAP) concept within the French legislation: people with five years of work experience can be evaluated in order to obtain ministerial certifications and qualifications related to secondary education and higher. To obtain the certification or the title, the subject must produce a portfolio containing the details of the activities performed and the skills exercised.
• 2002 – adoption of the Social Loi de Modernization: the validation system of work experience is extended to all types of qualifications and certification through the concept of Validation des Acquis de l’Experience (VAE). The presence of a systematic and punctual regulation has determined the presence of application systems and functioning throughout the national territory. Access to the validation of experiences for the attainment of a formal qualification is currently a right for all individuals who have at least three years of work experience. The Commission Nationale de la Certification Professionnelle (CNCP), created in January 2002, has three main objectives: to activate and update the Repertoire national des certifications professionnelles, to monitor the adoption of the reform on the education and labor market system, to support the agencies and organizations involved in validation and qualification exams. The Commission is composed of ministerial representatives, social partners, experts and representatives of the Chambers of Commerce and regional institutions.
The assessment standards (referentiels) are defined based on the type of qualification and subject to changes and updates. The decision to release or not the qualification is collegial and is based on the overall assessment of the abilities and experiences declared and possessed by the subject. The regions also play an important role in accompanying and defining methodologies and assessment tools functional to the VAE.
In addition to VAE, other procedures linked to the assessment of informal learning and non-formal learning exist:
• In higher education, there is a mechanism for recognition of professional and personal experience to grant access to a programme through exemption of the normal requirements; this procedure known as Validation des acquis professionnels (“VAPP 85”)was introduced in 1982 and is still in place as of today;
• The skill audits or bilan de competences aims at the identification of skills and competences of an individual but is not considered as a validation procedure in France (as it does not lead to the award of a qualification); other types of competence portfolios developed outside of validation procedures also exist.
However, the VAE represents, by far, the most significant validation method in France. For this reason, it is the one chosen for the sake of this research.
• Process of validation of informal and non-formal learning is a relatively new one in the Slovenian
education system.
• In 2018, it was included in the Adult Education Law.
• It is a procedure of collecting documentation acquired during informal and non-formal learning.
• Validation of informal and non-formal learning applies to primary, secondary and higher level of Adult
• The reason to enter the process may be personal, educational or professional one.
• In Slovenia there are three main purposes of validation (according to Expert guidelines for assessment
and recognition of non-formal and informal learning in adult education in Slovenia, SIAE, 2011):
– For entering or continuing formal education: continuing terminated education, changing educational programmes, continuing education at a higher level,
– For acquiring National Vocational Qualification (NVQ),
– For documentation and assessment of individuals knowledge and experience (competences), with the goals to provide a better flexibility on job market, for personal growth and for the development of key competences.
For entering or continuing formal education
Within the first validation purpose, we can find in Slovenia three main validation systems:
– Validation of foreign education: it is defined in the Validation and Recognition Act (2011) for two main purposes – purpose of work and purpose of further education. The main organization is ENIC/NARIC centre, under the responsibility of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport. In this validation process, the Ministry issues opinion on single educational elements. The opinion allows recognition and placement of foreign certificates of education. Validation means transfer of rights from country to country;
– Mutual recognition of professional qualifications: enables citizens of EU and EEA Member States and Switzerland to obtain recognition of professional qualifications for performing regulated professions and activities in other EU states. The system is under the responsibility of the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities;
– Inclusion of refugees without formal documents: In 2017 a Decree on conditions and modalities for ensuring the rights of persons with international protection was adopted. This Regulation specifies the terms and conditions for ensuring the rights of refugees and persons granted subsidiary protection (hereinafter: persons with international protection), among other, namely to education. It enables integration of persons with international protection that formal education cannot prove with document into secondary, higher professional education and higher education programs. Enrolment in the first year of programs of lower and secondary vocational education, secondary vocational education and general education for persons with international protection that formal education cannot be proved by documents is possible on basis of a certificate of successful completion of the examination, issued by the Institute of Slovenian Education, and if the person fulfil the specific enrollment requirements set by the educational program. Enrollment in the first year of programs of higher professional education is possible on basis of a certificate of exam, issued by the National Examination Center (hereinafter RIC) and passing a test for special talents, skills and psychomotor performance, if it is determined by the educational program. Also they can enrol in the first year of higher education study programs on the basis of a certificate of satisfactory completion of examination issued by the RIC, and passing a test of special talents and mental and physical ability, if it is determined by the study program.
For acquiring National Vocational Qualification (NVQ)
NVQ is a system which enables candidates’ formal accreditation of non-formal and informal gained knowledge, skills and competencies. Umbrella organization is the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities. In Slovenia, there are different providers within the NVQ system, such as schools, adult education providers, companies, chambers,… Within the validation procedure candidate can gain certificate on behalf of portfolio assessment (without exam). If portfolio evidence does not cover demanded competences, candidate is assessed within a practical exam. NVQ is available to anyone, no matter of age, status and nationality.
For documentation and assessment of individuals knowledge and experience (competences)
Lately, the third purpose of validation is in progress, for documentation and assessment of individual’s knowledge and experience (competences), with the goals to provide a better flexibility on job market, for personal growth and for the development of key competences. Activities for the third validation purpose are still on the developmental project level.
At the Slovenian Institute for Adult Education after the completion of the ESF funded project “Literacy Development and Identification and Recognition of Non-formal Learning” that lasted from 2011 until 2014, the continuation project begun in 2016 and will last until 2022, also funded by ESF funds. The project is entitled “Expert support to informative advisory activities and validation of non-formally acquired knowledge”. Within the project, attention is given to the continuation of activities in the fields of providing information and counselling as well as validation and recognition of previously acquires knowledge in Adult Education providers. The target group is adult workers, in particular those with low level skills, educationally inactive and those over 45 years of age. The overall objective of the project is the development of professional materials, programs and new approaches for the implementation of informational consulting activities, cooperation with social partners and stakeholders implementation of expert advice. The new professional materials, programs and approaches will focus on the development of new advisory tools for validation of key competencies and other supporting documents with the purpose of validation of non-formal knowledge; preparation of new professional materials for adult educators who will provide counselling and conduct validation; development of ICT support tools. The social partners involved are counselling centers, adult education centers, trade unions, employers’ associations, etc. During the project, the procedures for validation of non-formal and informal knowledge will be carried out by counsellors at folk universities, school centres, and secondary schools organised in consortia selected by public tender. The validation will be carried out by 15 consortia, consisting of 41 partner organisations, under the guidance and with the expert support of the Slovenian Institute for Adult Education.
The result of the validation procedure taken place within the project is a prepared portfolio for adult candidate and individual awarded an opinion, prepared by the counsellor and external expert (when it is needed) which describes non-formal knowledge acquired, experience and competences that have been evaluated, and the possibilities of using the results for further formal validation, for participation in further education or for the employment. This opinion does not have formal value but anyway fulfil the quality criteria of a good validation evidence (authentic, actuality, adequacy). Slovenian Institute for Adult Education is responsible for preparation expert guidelines to support the preparation of the opinion.
• The validation process typically includes assembling a portfolio with evidence of prior learning and experience. This portfolio is then analysed by a validation practitioner or a validation committee who may request extra evidence from the applicant either in the form of an interview, a test, a performance or additional documentation.
• Guidance practitioners offer help and support during the process and most of them are active in Guidance Centres covering the entire Slovenian territory.
• Currently in Slovenia, there is a special focus on validation of key competences due to the ESF supported guidance project. Tools and special procedures are being developed for this purpose.
• The Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Vocational Education is a key organisation in the VNFIL process as they are responsible for setting up the national NVQ system by coordinating standards of knowledge determined on a national level.
• Also a very important organisation is the Slovenian Institute of Adult Education as they are the organisation responsible for training guidance practitioners, preparing the theoretical starting points for validation and creating guidelines/manuals on this issue.
VNFIL in Netherlands started in 1995. In 2005 a national quality code was agreed between government, social partners and the educational sector. A national knowledge centre for VNFIL was established (research, training, advocacy, recognition of providers).
Dutch VNFIL quality code
- The goal of VNFIL is to define, evaluate and accredit individual competencies.
- The VNFIL process answers to the need of the individual.
- Procedure and instruments are reliable and based on solid standards Trust is the key issue. Trust has to do with civil effect, properly defined standards, and clear information on the way in which assessments are conducted and the arguments on the basis of which conclusions are drawn.
- Assessors and supervisors are competent, independent and impartial Independence and impartiality are crucial factors in the evaluation and are rooted in the roles and responsibilities of the assessors involved in the process. It is of major importance to avoid unnecessary confusion of roles. Impartiality can be reinforced by training and the use of networks.
- The quality of VNFIL procedures is guaranteed and is being improved on an on going basis
Two types of VNFIL
Ervaringscertificaat (Certificate of Experience)
- Validation against national standards in formal (VET, HE) and nonformal (standards defined by social partners and/or sector).
- comparing the competences of the candidate with a (non)formal standard (diploma or certificate).
- Can lead to a diploma
Ervaringsprofiel (Experience Profile)
- Recognition of all learning.
- No formal validation, but on self-recognition of competences.
- Describes all competences of candidates that are relevant for career and/or personal development.
VNFIL step by step
- Career guidance: define career goals, identify a standard, define the individual validation pathway
- Collect information and evidences on prior learning (usually in a Portfolio)
- Assessment of prior learning
- Advise on further learning (if needed)
- Outcome summarised in Certificate of Experience or Experience Profile
Added value VNFIL (study 1000 candidates)
- Intake and exemptions formal education
- Stimulates participation in learning activities (150% increase in academic studies employees)
- perceived employability and career progress (i.c. with diploma).
- more positive perception about employability (esp elder employees and employees that never moved to other jobs)
- Stimulates career self management behaviour and career progression
- 30% fall out in VNFIL, their scores are below normal!
- Strong relation of added value VNFIL with employers stimulation
Country – Denmark
Competence assessment and possible outcomes in terms of access, exemption and acquiring certificates varies between the different education and training sectors in Denmark, e.g. VET, HE and adult education and training.
For almost all formal adult education and training legal framework for validation of prior learning based on common principles has been in place since 2007.
Within this framework it is a right for individuals to request an assessment of their prior learning in relation to the standards of an education and training programme, no matter where and how competences have been required.
This procedure is known in Danish as the (individual) ‘assessment of real competences’ realkompetencevurdering (RKV) or individuel kompetencevurdering (IKV).
In 2010, the Ministry of Education made a national action plan on validation of prior learning with four initiatives crossing all relevant adult educational areas:
- Mapping out the players in guidance and counseling,
- Examining the possibilities of applying a broader perspective in the RPL- programmes validating in the adult educational system, including a vocational- and employment- perspective,
- Quality assurance with a special focus on developing a code of conduct for validation of prior learning,
- A strengthened information effort in order to support a broader implementation of validation of prior learning in all adult educational areas.
In Denmark, it should be noted that procedures for the validation of prior learning can also be interpreted as a form of competence assessment or skills audit. A number of tools have been developed for the documentation of competences. They allow for a written, systematic mapping of competences divided into different categories.
According to the evaluation prepared by the Danish Evaluation Institute (EVA) in 2010, the dialogue-based method is the most common assessment method all over the Danish training and education system. The declarative method is also very common. It means the individuals are also responsible for making the prior learned competences visible.
The method can be a combination of the declarative method, written test, examination, and self-testing. It can be supported by the use of electronic or manual tools.
It is common in Denmark to combine different methods in order to secure or strengthen the validation and the reliability of the assessment (triangulation).
Oral assessment or dialogue-based methods involve a one-to -one discussion, dialogue or interview between the individual and assessor, according to the pursuers of the oral assessment or dialogue-based method. Sometimes it will take place in the beginning and will be the primer method. Sometimes it will take place after a test, written assignment or the self-assessment and will be a supplement to different methods. It can support the reflection and verification of individual competences.
Interviews are often combined with tests and exams and practical assignments at VET. Practical assignments are mostly used at VET level in Denmark.
Written assignments are often combined with interviews concerning general qualifications. Concerning the ‘diploma’ and higher education qualifications, interviews are often combined with a portfolio/CV, self-assessments and written assignments.
Practice-oriented methods (i. e. observation of problem solving in practice in the workplace, solving practical tasks and problems in a simulated workplace and solving real cases) have been to some extent applied for validation of prior learning in Denmark, although they may be difficult to apply. Such methods are therefore often combined with other methods, such as tests, interviews or written assignments which reflect on problem solving
Accreditation/Certification procedures:
- Accreditation of Vocational Training & Certification of Vocational Training Institute (IEK) Graduates
The accreditation of vocational training and the certification of the vocational training institutes (IEK) graduates embeds a national accreditation exam procedure conducted at national and regional level and based on the vocational training exam regulation framework per speciality.
EOPPEP organises at national level the accreditation examinations for IEK graduates of all specialities. Upon successful examination results, IEK graduates are awarded the Vocational Training Diploma recognised both in Greece and in EU member states (for lower secondary education graduates) or the Certificate Level I (for upper secondary education graduates).
- Certification of the teaching qualification of Trainers for Adults of non-formal education
Trainers for adults are required to possess a teaching qualification awarded upon accreditation in order to fulfill eligibility conditions for public funded non-formal education programmes, pursuant to Law 3879, article 19.3 (GOG 163/A/21.09.2010) on “Development of Lifelong Learning”.
Developing and implementing a comprehensive and innovative accreditation system for the teaching qualification of “Trainers for Adults of non-formal education”, including the unification of registers in operation, responds to new social, economic and educational needs:
- gearing the education system to learning outcomes,
- linking education content to labour market & reinforcing social partners’ role in human resources development,
- expanding trainers’ field of activity into initial & continuing vocational training as well as non-formal education, including adult education,
- updating knowledge, skills and competencies of trainers for adults.
- Certification of “Private security personnel” in cooperation with the Centre for Security Studies (KEMEA).
EOPPEP is in close cooperation with KEMEA for the certification of “private security personnel”.
In this direction, the new speciality for “Private security personnel” has been legislated (Government Official Gazette 1715/17-05-2012) and is addressed to compulsory education graduates (lower secondary education graduates) and entails a six-month vocational training programme attendance accompanied by the accreditation exam procedure for the certification award.
Additionally, the regulatory framework pertaining to the certification of professionals who do not possess a recognised occupational title has been enacted (Government Official Gazette 2160/18-07-2012).
- Accreditation of Awarding Bodies
EOPPEP currently accredits Awarding Bodies certifying computer skills upon legislated criteria and specifications. The accredited awarding bodies conduct the evaluation procedure in examination centres via an automated exam system and award the certificate for computer skills.
EOPPEP plans to develop a system for the accreditation of awarding bodies certifying knowledge & skills in additional areas of expertise.
NAME OF THE PRACTICE: Accreditation of Vocational Training & Certification of Vocational Training Institute (IEK) Graduates
The Compendium is a unique and innovative package of existing effective practices and tools used for validation of non-formal and informal learning (VNFIL). Information compiled in the Compendium could be used of national VNFIL providers and policy makers, who are trying to identify innovative and supporting practices and tools to work more effectively or for those who are interested in the VNFIL process.
Just choose by a country and by sector, and you will see what tools and practices were identified by project partners.
This compendium should be considered as a snap shot of the current state of affairs, and will be updated regularly as more evidence emerges in this rapidly changing field.
This communication (website) reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 2018-1-LT01-KA202-047020
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