PROFI Good Practice Cyprus

Desk research on existing VNFIL good practices and tools



Country – CYPRUS



NAME OF THE PRACTICE:      Certification procedure of human resource development authority of Cyprus (HRDA)


1.             AIM


The Human Resource Development Authority of Cyprus (HRDA) is a public-law body that started its work in 1979. On 1 November 1999, according to Human Development Law 125 (I) of 1999.

The ANAD ‘s mission is to create the conditions for planned and systematic training and development of the human resources of Cyprus at all levels and in all areas in order to meet the needs of the economy within the framework of the social and economic policy of the state.

In order to fulfill the mission and exercise the responsibilities and powers of the ANAD, operates the Human Resources Development Fund. Each employer is required to pay to the Fund a fee not exceeding one percent of the payable earnings to each of his employees, as determined each time.


2.             OBJECTIVES


Objectives of the Human Resource Development Authority of Cyprus (HRDA) are determined by its mission and strategic goals of upgrading human resources, improving productivity and enhancing the competitiveness enterprises of Cyprus and at the same time enhancing the quality and efficiency of the economy, the training and development of human resources. The Goals ANAD, which result in activities and actions with specific numerical targets and costs, are the following:

§    Integration of the unemployed and inactive people into employment.

§    Lifelong Learning for employed people.

§    Ensuring the Quality of the Human Resource Training and Development System.

§    Promoting Research and Development.

§    Effective Governance.

Through the objective of Inclusion of the Unemployed and the Inactive Potential in Employment, priority is given to training actions for active employment support and further reduction of unemployment.

In the objective of Lifelong Learning for Employed Persons, the priority is to continuously enrich the knowledge and skills of employees, especially in sectors with increased growth prospects such as Green Economy, Energy, Tourism, the Blue Economy, Professional Services and specific sectors of the industrial sector. Priority is also given to developing entrepreneurial skills and acquiring digital skills.

The objective of Quality Assurance in the Human Resource Training and Development System sets as a priority the effective functioning of the Vocational Qualification System, which is expected to play an essential role in the effort to continuously upgrade the human potential of the site, as well as the promotion of the Evaluation System and Certification of Training Providers including Vocational Training Centers, Structures and Trainers.

The promotion of Research and Developement includes forecasts of employment and human resource supply in the Cypriot economy, estimates of employment and training needs, monitoring of labor market trends as well as evaluation of the effects of HRDA actions.

In the objective of Efficient Governance, priority is given to enhancing the effectiveness of the HRDA by promoting the implementation of the Integrated Information System of the HRDA and the optimal management and utilization of the available financial and human resources.


3.             TARGET GROUP


The target group of System of Professional Qualifications (SEP) are workers, unemployed and economically inactive.


4.             SECTOR


Economics sectors where Qualified Standards have been developed:

§    Tourism Industry

§    Manufacturing Industries

§    Construction Industry

§    Wholesale and Retail Trade

§    Repair of Vehicles

§    Provision οf Vocational Training

§    Communication Systems / Networks / Electronic Computers

§    Hairdressing

In the above fields, have been developed Standards for 72 Professional Qualifications and are expected to be developed 80 more in various areas during the 2014-2020 Programming Period.

5.             HOW TO USE


Conditions for the participation of candidates:

Citizens of the Republic of Cyprus or citizens of any other European Free Trade Association Member State or people who have the same rights as the above categories and who legally reside in the areas controlled by the Republic of Cyprus have the right of free access to the labor market of Republic of Cyprus.

Interested parties should contact the HRDA for information. Candidates’ applications are submitted to the ANAD through the Centers for the Evaluation of Vocational Qualifications – (KAEPs). The acceptance of stakeholder participation in the evaluation process is the responsibility of the ANAD and is based on defined conditions and criteria.

Assessment and certification of professional qualifications – System of Professional Qualifications (SEP)

The identification and documentation of the candidate’s learning outcomes, taking into account their previous formal, non-formal and informal learning, is carried out by HRDA -approved Centers for Qualification – KAEPs. Centers for Qualification also undertake the evaluation of the professional qualifications of the candidates, are certified Vocational Training Centers and have into an agreement with one or more certified Vocational Training Structures with specialization in fields corresponding to the Professional Fields in which they are active in assessing professional qualifications.

The evaluation of the professional qualifications of the candidates is carried out by a two-part group of Vocational Qualification Assessors based on the Standards of Professional Qualifications developed by the HRDA.

Qualification is carried out by HRDA based on the evaluation reports of the Vocational Qualification Appraisers. The Professional Qualifications Certificates are awarded as successful candidates based on the Cyprus Qualifications Framework (EQF), which is a reliable and credible for a professional career, also facilites the mobility of their holders within the European Economic Area.

The process of assessing and certifying professional qualifications is formed by the Council Recommendation on the Validation of Non-formal and Informal Education. As validation is described the process of confirmation by an accredited body that a person has achieved learning outcomes judged on the basis of a relevant standard. In this context, the process of evaluating and certifying of professional qualifications consists of four stages, which are described below.

Stage 1: Determine learning outcomes obtained through formal and / or non-formal and / or informal learning

§    The determination of learning outcomes is carried out in an approved Center for Qualification and includes the following:

§    Informing a candidate about the provisions of the System of Professional Qualifications – SEP and the criteria for the inclusion of candidates in the System of Professional Qualifications

§    Obtain an image of the candidate’s qualifications and experience

§    Advisory guidance to the candidate, through dialogue and review, to find out level of knowledge, skills and abilities

§    Advisory guidance for a candidate to identify the appropriate professional qualifications, experience and level of knowledge, skills and competence skills

§    Preparing a candidate for his / her evaluation by referring to activities training and development where this is deemed necessary as a result of their identification learning outcomes

Stage 2: Documentation of learning outcomes obtained through formal and / or non-formal and / or informal learning

The learning outcomes documentation is conducted in an approved KAEP and includes the following:

§    Provide a candidate for evidence of the learning outcomes identified in Stage 1 by providing evidence of qualifications and experience

§    Ensure there is consistency with the learning outcomes identified in Stage 1 and provide a documentation

§    Recording Stage 2 results

§    Preparation of a candidate’s application for participating in the process of evaluation and certification of his / her professional qualifications

Stage 3: Evaluation of learning outcomes acquired through formal and / or non-formal and / or informal learning

Assessment of learning outcomes is carried out in approved KAEPs by Assessors, following the approval of the ANAD, and includes the following:

§    Submission to the HRDA, through KAEP, of a candidate’s application for a qualification

§    Checking the compatibility of an application with the Candidate in the evaluation process for acquiring the professional qualification applied for

§    Deciding whether or not to approve the application for inclusion of the candidate in the process of evaluating and certifying professional qualifications

§    Evaluation of a candidate by a two-member team of Assessors

§    Performing audits to ensure the quality, transparency and objectivity of the assessment, as well as verification of assessment methods and procedures

Stage 4: Certification of Vocational Qualifications acquired through formal, non-formal and informal learning

Certification of professional qualifications is decided by the HRDA and includes the following:

§    Verification and validation of the assessment results of the candidates’ professional qualifications.

§    Award of a certificate of professional qualification.

Examination methods

The used test methods are defined and integrated into various methods that can be used in the evaluation of Vocational Qualifications are the following:

§    Monitoring work performance in real working conditions

It is the basic method of examination. Candidates should know when, where and in which areas they will be evaluated at each meeting.

§    Monitoring work performance in simulation working conditions

In cases where a task can not be evaluated in real conditions, acceptable simulation conditions are created. This creates a “virtual” environment, in which the candidates are invited to join and act based on a specific scenario that depicts real processes. It is important for the candidates to feel comfortable so that they can perform as well as possible.

§    Personal Interview

In the interview the assessors focus questions on issues related to the knowledge of the candidate in the general environment and the labor market, interpersonal relations in the workplace and personal planning and ambitions for his professional development.

§    Oral Examination

Because each job requires knowledge that candidates have to possess, the assessment of the necessary knowledge is done by submitting oral questions related to the work being evaluated. Oral questions give the appraisers the opportunity to get additional information about the candidates’ knowledge and ability to get a more accurate and comprehensive picture of their level of performance for the particular field / job in which they are evaluated.

§    Written Examination

Written examination, when is provided, is done with multiple choice questions, correct / wrong questions and / or questions that require a descriptive answer. The preparation of the test is done by the HRDA from a relevant list of questions and is delivered to the Evaluators just before the evaluation. The organization and supervision of the written examination as well as the graduation are done by the Assessors.


a. A written exam with multiple choice and correct / wrong type questions. The test consists of 25 questions of 4 points each.

b. A written examination with multiple choice and correct / wrong type questions as well as descriptive questions. The test consists of 20 multiple choice and correct / wrong type questions of 2 points each and 10 descriptive questions 6 point questions each.

§    Special Work

In this case, candidates are required to prepare or present a specific task to demonstrate their abilities in a wide range of skills in a field of work or between different fields of work. This test is used to evaluate results that require candidates to plan, design, analyze, synthesize, present and evaluate.

§    Case study

The case study is based on the use of a real or hypothetical example that allows the candidate to be assessed.

§    Role

In this particular case, the Assessors, on the basis of a prescribed scenario, assign roles that the candidates will have to undertake in order to evaluate them.

Structure of examination

Each evaluation meeting lasts 3 hours. The overall duration of each evaluation varies according to the level and requirements of the Professional Qualification.

For an evaluation meeting without a written examination, the time is allocated as follows:

§    Work execution procedure – 2 hours and 30 minutes.

§    Asking questions and feedback – 30 minutes.

For an evaluation meeting with a written examination, the time is divided as follows:

§    Work execution procedure – 1 hour and 45 minutes.

§    Asking questions and feedback – 30 minutes.

§    Written examination – 45 minutes.




Program for the Evaluation and Certification of Training Providers:




The website of Human Resource Development Authority is: